Thursday, May 30, 2024

Macro May 2024 - Day 30

Not in bloom in time for Macro May, but still interesting in its own right; this hydrangea will look very different in the weeks and months ahead

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Macro May 2024 - Day 28

Day 28 and it' s slim pickings; between exhausting our garden and surrounding area and dodging the raindrops this afternoon. Then I spied this slimy little guy - he'll do.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Macro May 2024 - Day 26


I have been eagerly awaiting this rose’s new blooms. I LOVE roses and this one was a mother’s day gift several years back from my eldest, who knew i loved purple and roses and found the perfect combination, what a blessing. It also smells divine so pretty much perfect really.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Friday, May 24, 2024

Macro May 2024 - Day 24


The bees are LOVING this bush, it was a constant humming with the sound of them all. They’re fast though, most days i’m taking 5-10 photos and choosing a favourite but over 80 this evening to try to get just the right one.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Macro May 2024 - Day 23


Lovely to see some foxgloves again this year. There were loads when we moved here 2 years ago and then NONE last year, but a few have popped back up again, such a welcome surprise.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Macro May 2024 - Day 22


Another tricky day with the rain all day dashed out quickly before dinner in a break from it. Day 8's buds are opening up; the garden is full of blossom and it's so pretty.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Monday, May 20, 2024

Macro May 2024 - Day 20


My daughter told me, if she were a fairy, she would use the end of the stigma as her throne.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Macro May 2024 - Day 19


We’ve had buds and now the very first of the blooms. By the end of the week, this rose bush will be covered in hundreds of little roses and i cannot wait!

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Macro May 2024 - Day 18


The ever lovely cow parsley is all along the hedgerows and around the edges of the fields. The delicate, lacy white, swaying in the breeze. It’s finally starting to feel like summer might be on the way, with everything in bloom. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Macro May 2024 - Day 15


We have three different clematis in our garden, the one with little pale pink flowers that climbs up the garage and then two others; one with burgundy larger flowers and this one with massive purpley-blue ones. It doesn't produce loads of flowers but they are quite stunning.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Macro May 2024 - Day 14


It was tough to get a photo today; it was raining as i drove home from work, and as i walked the dog with a friend. Then it was dinner and it kept raining and getting darker as i waited for a break in the rain…that never came. Finally i ventured out trying to balance the umbrella in one hand and my, far too heavy, camera in the other. Lets just say there weren’t too many clear ones as i fought against the conditions...but here is today’s offering.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Macro May 2024 - Day 9


Blossom! I have never noticed before that the anthers were pink! Are they just really short lived and I've only seen them at the brown stage? Also, yes I did have to look up the name of the pink bits, i remembered from Biology MANY years ago that the whole part was a stamen but had forgotten what the end piece was called. Biology GCSE exam tomorrow for youngest...fair amount of stress around here. Just got to get through it all...

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Macro May 2024 - Day 7


Aquilegia. love the deep dark purple and we have quite a few more this year after the self seeding last year and the seeds i scattered further afield. They may be short-lived but that makes them even more special.

Monday, May 6, 2024

Macro May 2024 - Day 6


These teeny tiny lily of the valley are such a delight. They're pretty hidden down amongst all the greenery so I cut a few today to put in a bud vase where we can enjoy them more, rather than miss them out in the garden. They're so cute and smell lovely.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Macro May 2024 - Day 5


Today was DREARY...and i missed my dry window, as you can see. I love this tree; the leaves are so incredibly vivid especially in spring, against all the green. So striking!

Friday, May 3, 2024

Macro May 2024 - Day 3


Macro May 2024 - Day 3. Bluebells are in abundance right now, just love them!

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Macro May 2024 - Day 2


Macro May 2024 - Day 2. i left in a rush this morning and forgot my camera so had to race out to the garden when i got home to see what i could capture. This is our, i believe, Japanese Snowball, the blossom mainly blooms in sphere clusters although you can’t really tell that from this photo.