Oh my goodness, just like that we have a teenager! This amazing boy turned thirteen today and he has more than likely caught up to me in height, we haven't checked in a few days but he's excited to overtake me. He is, and has been, visibly changing before our eyes. We can see him growing up. The little boy is vanishing and being replaced by a much bigger boy. Of course he will always be my little boy, but we are no longer at the beginning of the journey, we are well on our way...

He is such a great kid; he is a thinker, he is kind and compassionate and feels deeply. He is funny and intelligent and remembers details and facts and notices the little things. He is grateful for so much and speaks his gratitude, it is such a blessing to me that he doesn't take things for granted, that he'll thank me for cooking meals or driving him to his activities.
He had simple requests for his birthday: for daddy to make a spicy Thai curry and for me to make (my first) ice cream cake...and of course, time with his cousin, arguably his favorite friend in the whole world. Happy birthday you incredible boy!
*As in years past, I am once again doing a February photo project and will post a photo a day. It may only be one month of the year, but I love to look back on these photos and it never hurts to have a bit of discipline. No real rules, just our life documented a little. Maybe there'll be captions, maybe not, there could be the occasional phone photo thrown in on busier days and sometimes it may be hard to narrow things down and there could be bonus photos.
I'd love for you to follow along, or even join in. Let me know!
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