Sunday, May 3, 2020

Macro May 2020 - Day 3

I have a love/hate relationship with dandelions. They are so bright and cheery, like sunshine, then inevitably they morph into the most amazing, delicate puff balls that just beg to be picked and have their seeds blown far and wide and it's so much fun to watch our kids, big and small do that. But, I don't want them in my small patch of green, which is desperately trying, not very well, to be a lawn.

They were here before we moved in and then last year were rampant, but this year I am trying to dig them all up. It's a long process. I re-check every day and as soon as I see a yellow bloom I dig it up, before it can turn to a puff ball and spread it's seeds further. I'm not convinced I'm winning yet.

Anyway, this little guy caught my eye late this afternoon, not the usual full bloom, but getting ready to tuck in for the night and I liked the different take.

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